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Roast Meats Only

Just wanting meat, choose from the following: Would you like some nibbles to start …. check out our Platters Menu. Desserts are also available see Individual Menu or from our Platters Menu.

Choose any 2 options from below:

Roast Beef
Slow Roasted, accompanied by Gravy and Mustard

Roast Lamb
Boneless legs of lamb accompanied by Gravy and Mint Sauce

Roast Pork
Slow Roasted, accompanied by Gravy and Apple Sauce

Roast Chicken
Slow Roasted Chicken Pieces accompanied by Gravy

Roast Turkey
Slow Roasted Breast, accompanied by Gravy and Cranberry Sauce.

Roast Honey Glazed Ham
Smoked Leg Ham coated in a sticky brown sugar and honey marinate with cloves and slowly roasted.